Started the morning with Greg and myself having a surf. there was hardly an wind and a small swell so all in all pretty good. We arrived back at the hotel in time for breakfast which this morning was g was rotti with banana and a cup of tea. Jessie and Dan amused themselves at the hair dressers both getting versions of a mohawk. You see this in later photos. Then it was on the bikes and backdown to Galle. I went yesterday all ready so I hung back with Will and chilaxed.
Jake: Yesterday we rode in the pouring rain, so today was much nicer to ride in the dry. By the time we arrived we were hungry, so first call at Galle was to ordered our lunch. We have figured out food here takes a long time to arrive. It seems common that we wait for an hour or more after ordering before we eat. To kill time we headed to the fort while lunch was being made.The fort was built by the dutch in the 17th century and circles a section of town that is now a tourist area. The walls are really solid and protected this area from the Tsunami. We saw some crazy guy running and jumping off a pier into the ocean. Once he gets your attention he demands money for photos. The pier was 7 meters above the water level and quite shallow. Hungry we went back to the restaurant to eat our long await lunch. Another bike, this times Dan's, is refusing to start, so we went to a battery shop to fix it but had no success. The problem must be something else. All the locals enjoyed the mono i did as we were leaving town.
Dinner tonight was rice and curry with a mango lasse. Giving the fireworks a break and saving up for a big show tomorrow.
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